Ducate, Lara C. and Lara L. Lomicka. "Adventures in the blogosphere: from blog readers to blog writers." Computer Assisted Language Learning 21.1 (2008): 9-28. 16 May 2009. (link)
Both professors at the University of South Carolina, Lara Ducate is an assistant professor of German and Lara L. Lomicka is an associate professor of French. Combining their mutual interests in foreign language methodology and technology in language education, Ducate and Lomick created an in depth study, that I would view as useful for anyone who is considering using blogs in a language development class. It is extensive studies such as this one (as well as Lisa Zailinski’s “HOT Blogging: A Framework for Blogging to Promote Higher Order Thinking,” and Shelbie Witte’s “’That’s online writing, not boring school writing:’ Writing with blogs and the Talkback Project”), which took a considerable amount of time to plan and prepare that illuminate the flaws within studies like “When Blogging Goes Bad: A Cautionary Tale About Blogs, Email Lists, Discussion, and Interaction,” by Steven Krause.
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